Monday, November 4, 2013

Monday, November 4th, 2013

Let me just tell you how fun the past two weeks have been. I love serving with Sister Dickey. We work great together. We get along fantastically, and do a lot of work. I feel like we have a stacked companionship, but I think that is needed in order to help our third companion. I love her don't get me wrong, she makes everything so fun. Adds some spice to our day. but she is also like a monkey hitting the machine of missionary work with a wrench. We were visiting a completely LA woman. She has a non-member husband. She was super sweet, her husband has a cleft pallet and when he left the room Sis. Roberson says "does he have a mental disorder?" Me and Sister Dickey freeze, wth is going on...The woman says "who my son?" (her 3 year old was there too) sis Roberson then clarifies by saying "No, your husband, does he have a mental disorder?" ...OMG she said it twice! Luckily this woman was understanding and luckily sis. Roberson added "oh, sorry, I was just wondering cause I have a mental disorder" Super awkward, right?  Earlier in the conversation the woman was telling us her sister was in prison, wanting to know why someone is in prison is natural, but its a question you don't ask. Well, naturally, Sis. Roberson asked it. And you can tell the woman didn't want to share and she gave a ambiguous answer, which confused Sis. Roberson, so she decided to ask the question more directly. Which is when we jumped in and said "it's okay we don't need to know" She is super smart. Remembers everything, addresses, names, scriptures, what we ate for dinner, but she can't put things together, especially in social situations. This is how a lot of our day goes. I love it. Its a good thing I find completely awkward situations funny. I wouldn't be able to do this without Sis. Dickey though. Is it bad that I'm telling these stories? I'm not trying to talk bad about Sis. Roberson, I just find it all so funny. The people we live with have an autistic 8 year old grandson who came over on Halloween. His name is Alex. Alex came into the kitchen to scare Sister Dickey and I. Then his grandpa told him to go upstairs and scare sis. Roberson. Sis. Roberson must have heard cause when he went upstairs she jumped out and scared him! She scared him good, he bawled for 10 minutes. that wrong to laugh at?  I don't feel too bad because his parents were laughing as well.
We went to visit this old woman who wants to be taught. she is like 80. I shared a scripture before we left. In this lady's defense the scripture was long and I probably talked for a while too, I zoned out a bit, but when we looked at woman to ask her about it her head was bobbing. She totally fell asleep.  Not even in a whisper, I turned to Sister Dickey and said  "did she just fall asleep?", all while sis. Roberson is off to the side trying to play the keyboard. It was an awesome scene. We didn't know if we could count that as a lesson. ...but we did anyway.  There are so many other stories but I think I will stop here. Don't think I'm being mean, I love serving with Sis. Roberson its a blast all the time. One last story: For the ward Halloween party a member has a train that he drives the kids around in. made of a tractor and painted metal drums. We ate dinner with him right before the ward party and he jokingly offered us a ride in the train cause he had to drive it down anyway. he lives about 2 miles from the church on pretty big roads. Sis. Roberson jumped all over it. I wasn't too opposed. so we caught a ride. It was fun. Funner because Sis. Roberson waved at every car that passed. Then when we got to the party, everyone we talked to her only input was "see that train?, WE RODE HERE IN IT!" I'm pretty sure she even rubbed it in to the little kids. Super funny.  I am learning to laugh more and more at things now that Sister Dickey is here.
   The work here with the investigators are still at a standstill sadly.  I have been praying and fasting of how to best progress this work.  We are being to work more and more with less actives and part member families.  I see so much potential in some of these people.  I am glad that things at the funeral went well and that the spirit was there strong.  I wish I could of been there, but I know that it was best for me to stay out here.  I am so proud of all of you and how well you are all handling everything.  Know that I pray for each and everyone of you individually.  I pray that the Lord will forward my blessings to all of you.  Being out here is a blessing in itself for me.  
    Your challenge this week. Read Joseph Smith History.  That story has so much power in it, I have so much admiration for him and the courage he had to stand up against all these pastors and preachers. Focus on V.25, I love that verse and it is so true.  How could we ever deny what we know especially when we know it is true and God knows that we know it.  God has restored his gospel on the earth once again through Joseph Smith.  We have a Savior who loves us and knows us individual.  How blessed are we to know that we will be able to live with our loved ones again in the presence of our Heavenly Father.  We don't have to be perfect, it is okay to make mistakes in life.  Christ has already meet the demands of the justice of God.  All we have to do is repent, learn from our mistakes and grow from our experiences here on earth.  I know that My Redeemer lives, He is the light and the hope to all. I know that this is THE ONLY true church on the earth today.  .
     Will all of you commit to reread Elder Ballard's talk and accept his invitation to talk to one person about the gospel by Christmas?  My ward mission leader spoke this past Sunday and it was so good.  He talked about how the success in missionary work is not when the missionaries meet or teach or even baptize our friends and neighbors.  It is when we extend the invitation.  Even if they say no, we know that we have been successful because we extended it to them.  We don't need to build a foundation and friendship with these people in order to share the gospel with them.  If as a young boy/man Joseph could stand up against mobs than we can overcome our fears about talking with our friends.  What is the worst that will happen? They say no?  It we are doing out of love for them they won't see it as the only reason we are friends with them is to convert them.  It is our responsibility to reach out to those we know and share the gospel when we can.  Grandmas passing is a great opportunity to explain that we know and that we will see her again.  I have been visiting with the members in our wards we cover that have recently lost loved ones(there have been 5 just in this past month).  They have truly touched my heart.  Even though they have strong testimonies of it all it is still difficult at times for them.  Each time I bear my testimony of the Savior and the Plan of Salvation the spirit touches my heart and strengthens my testimony of everything.  Reach out to those in your wards that have lost loved ones.  Even if it was years ago.  This holiday season is a perfect time to drop by.  You will never understand how appreciated they will be by your visit and that someone is thinking about them.  I love you all and hope everything is going well.  

Sister Metcalf

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