Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Tuesday October 15, 2013

Family and Friends,

I almost wish every P-day was like yesterday.  Since it was Columbus day, all the libraries were closed.  Apparently it is a big deal her in Boise.  I love it though because I got to have two extra hours playing sports or running around doing errands.  This is way I am writing you today, we told since everything was closed yesterday that we could do our e-mailing today.
    This week has had its ups and downs like always.  I am struggling with our investigators right now, the 14 year old(Alex), we haven't been able to meet up with her dad yet.  When I was on exchanges with Sister Dickey(my trainer) we stopped by her house and her step-mom answered the door she was very cold to us and said that Alex would set up when we will come to meet the family.  I feel so bad because Alex wants to get baptized and her home life isn't the greatest and I feel like she feels all this pressure from everything.  You can tell she is struggling with her dad not supporting her.  So I am hoping and praying for that and am hoping that I will be able to talk with her dad soon to relieve that pressure from her.  I feel like the conversation about baptism should come from adults to her father because I feel like there are just certain conversations that I child can't have with their parent because they don't understand their parents concerns about things.  Anyways we are still trying to track down Brent.  He has responded to our fellow-shipper saying that he still wants to take the lessons and his girlfriend actually wants to sit in on them as well.  So that is awesome news, the only thing is that he hasn't responded about where he is living right now.  So we are going to start trying to contact him as well.  Honestly I am just leaving everything up to the Lord.  I felt like things were progressing well that first week in this area and I feel right now it is just at a stand still and has been for a few weeks.  I am trying to figure out how I can push this work through the slump and getting the ball rolling soon on things.  I sadly don't have any funny stories like Megan's mine are just funny awkward encounters.  As well as the things that my companion says or does.  I feel like whenever I try to be myself and just laugh about things and joke with members she always gets upset at me and even says out loud to the members how she has a short temper and is needs to calm down at the moment.  Anyways so I feel like I will never really be able to let loose and really be myself and enjoy the mission while she is my companion.  I feel like there was so much more that happened this week but some things have happened this weekend that have really been weighing on my mind and have replaced everything else that I have been thinking about.
     So we do a scripture study with a lady in our ward whose son(from a previous marriage) wants to get baptized but his dad will not allow it.  Anyways so she always offers us drinks and my companion likes these cascade ice that she has so she gets those and usually she has like 3 or 4 while we are there and they are like a buck each.  So the lady has talked to me before about it.  And I have had instances at others peoples homes where they offer us drinks and my companion will go back and grab a few more and put them in her bag and I don't notice these things until we are home.  Anyway so as we are walking out of this lady's home I see she has one in her arm and the member sees it as well and I tell her how she doesn't need to take this with her and all that.  When we left the house she begin back-talking to me about it and what not and I just was stern with her and said that we are only going to have water at members homes and that is final and she can't argue with me about it.  I have just been tired with dealing with it and I have been noticing that she has been lying to me about some things.  Anyways later that day the Lady calls me and asks to speak to me in private and tells me how she feels that some of her drinks are missing.  I felt so horrible because she isn't in the best financial position and those few drinks really do matter.  Anyways I felt so lousy that I hadn't kept a better eye on my companion and I told her how we had talked about things after we left and I told her how we will be only having water at members home.  I said how I would talk to my companion about this and she felt bad for calling but just wanted me to be aware of it and she asked me not to bring it up to her or talk about it with her.  I just start crying and don't know what to do at this point.  Do I respect the wishes of the member? I knew that if I was to confront her about this she would deny it and then just begin to get upset and cried if i continue to push it(when I have caught her in her lies earlier that week this is what had happened every time)  So I called sister Dickey that night to tell her about what had happened and I decided that I needed to talk to President about this and would call him.  I called President and told him everything that had happened basically how she was talking drinks from members refrigerators with out their knowledge or mine. We had a long talk about things and he told me how him and his wife would talk things over and they would deal with the situation and to not worry about it.  So Sunday night President text us saying to have Sister Roberson call him when he had a chance.  He talked to her on the phone while I was in the bathroom getting ready for bed cuz i felt awkward being in that situation.  Anyways president that asked to speak to me privately and we talked about a lot of things.
     He said how he dealt with the situation and asked me if I think if this is a regular thing and I told him I didn't know but there were a few other instances that weekend that I told him about but wont explain in the email cuz i don't have enough time.  Anyways he told me how the next part of our conversation was to be kept confidential because he never normal does this.  But I figure it is okay to tell you and to give you the heads up on things.  Anyways he asked me how he was thinking of putting her in a trio for next transfer and my thoughts on that.  I expressed how I would feel that this was best and explained why.  He then asked how I would feel being one of the companions in her trio.  He said that I would have a solid companion and gave me an idea of a few sisters that would be it.  Anyways I just broke down crying because I didn't know what to say.  I told him that I wanted to pray about it and would get back to him and he said that that was fine but I had to call him the next night.  That night I prayed so long and even though it was fast Sunday I decided that I needed to fast again as well on this.  I was tossing and turning the whole night and all day yesterday I was torn on what to do.  I prayed so many times yesterday and again I prayed so hard before I called president about my decision.  I told him that I felt best that I should leave it up to him and the Lord to inspire him on what to do with this matter.  I said that if he felt inspired that I should be her companion for the next transfer that I would support his decision, but how I would need a true solid companion with me to bear the struggles as well.  I told him that if he felt inspired to do that to know that I would support him and the Lord in that decision and to not worry about me.  I feel like the Lord is pushing me to trust him more and more.  If the Lord thinks I need to serve another transfer with her and I am the best option that the Boise Mission has to offer for her then I would do it.  I just wanted to tell you that after the phone call with president I felt peace in my heart with my decision, it is out of my hands and in the Lords.  I felt like I needed to tell you all this so that if I do end up doing another transfer with her to not be upset with the President Winder.  I gave him my support for his decision.  I know you all might think that I am crazy and heck I think I might be a little crazy right now.  But if this is what the lord needs me to do right now I will and I will be the only person to tell the President if she works better in a trio of duo.  Know that this wasn't an easy decision for me and it is one that I have contemplated these past 48 hours and have prayed all I can about it and fasted about it.  I told the Lord that I would do his will,but to know that he would be hearing from me more often hahaha and that I would need a lot of His help as well.  I truly feel that if I am to be with her again with another companion that is one that is solid as well that we will be able to push the work along and to carry the burden together.  Now I am not saying that this is going to happen for sure, but it is a possibility. I will find out this Saturday what is going to happen on transfers.  
    One thing before I forget.  Dad talk to your brother Mervin.  I had dinner with a older couple this week and she said how she knew a Mervin Metcalf and that I believe she served a mission with and dated him(not sure about the later part).  She said how when he was on his mission that his mother had another kid, his only sister, Sharon.  I know that this is my uncle.  Her madden name is Sister Woolley, ask your brother if he knows her.  Also they use to live in Thousand Oaks hahaha Their names are the Judds.  They are such an awesome couple and were telling us about their mission in Africa for auditing, they were in Johannesburg a lot which is where Ryan served his mission, so crazy.  Anyways such a small world.  So many people say they know someone with the same last name as me but this is the first time that I have seen someone that knows my family.  You would think that I would of ran into someone sooner with two sisters living here hahaha That just goes to show how big of a place Boise/Meridian is.
     I love you all so much and truly appreciate all the hand written letters as well as e-mails and packages that I receive from all of you.  It helps me more than you will ever know.  I would encourage you all to try and to trust in the Lord just a little bit more this week.  Also read elder Ballard's talk!!! Do his commitment, pray to have missionary opportunities.  I love the story of Lehi's dream in first Nephi of how he partook of the fruit(love/word of God) and was desirous for his family to take it.  My favorite part is the next verse where he then cast his eyes about to find them.  I think we are all desirous to share the gospel with people, but are we acting on that, are we looking for those people and opportunities around us?  I love you all and know that I am well

Sister Metcalf

I forgot to mention.  I had a good nice long talk with President after the meeting and I told him straight up about things.  He asked me if he needed to make other arrangements like an Emergency Transfer.  I broke down and really wanted to say yes.  But I Felt the Holy Ghost tell me that the Lord put me with her and He knew I could do it for 6 weeks and so I was going to do that.  I wanted to say yes, but I am full on trusting the Lord right now!  I told him with my sports back round I am a fighter and I am not a quitter! One day at a time.  Just letting you know I do have my moments of weaknesses.  He said to call if I ever needed too and I said that he shouldn't be waiting for that phone call.  There is so much peace and power of prayer.  Everyone should pray everyday and night!!!  I love you all.  Know that I pull so much strength from all of you and your encouraging letters!!!

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