Tuesday, April 1, 2014

March 24, 2014

I feel like this has been a week of miracles.  My companion and I are continually trying to be come even more obedient and purify our hearts and I truly believe that the Lord is seeing our efforts. One of the goals I have set is to walk around more from place to place because it is nicer out.  There are more people out and about roaming around because of the spring weather.  I have been trying to talk to everyone I see, a lot of them not really interested in what I have to say, but I haven't let that get me down.  I know I am successful when I invite and they have their own agency to choose for themselves.  About halfway through the week we got a text about a referral and to call a member in the Star stake.  This member in Star has a coworker that he has been working on for sometime now and they have had a lot of gospel conversations.  He had her and her son over for dinner last Sunday and had the missionaries over as well, they taught her the first lesson and she said she wants to continue to learn more.  She lives in our stake boundaries, she lives in a different ward but feels more comfortable being taught by sisters.  It is spring break this week,so she is out of town with her son, but we have an appointment to meet with her on the 30th.  She really seems promising and the member in star feels like she is a golden contact.  

      The next day we got a phone call from a member in one of the other wards in our stake who teaches seminar at the local high school.  There is a 18 year old foreign exchange student from Italy who has been going to the seminary building for lunch for the last few weeks and has been having some really good discussions with some students and teachers.  The member who called us challenged him to go to church yesterday and he came.  We got to meet him and talk to him for a little bit, he only ended up staying for the first 2 hours of church, I don't think anyone told him that it was three hours long so I think it was a little too much for him.  But I had a good talk with him and gave him our number and he says he is thinking about learning more.  I don't know where this will go, but I trust the Lord that all will work out.  The only thing that I am worried about is that we literally have no youth in our ward to be his fellow-shipper, my companion and I have been talking about what to do about this situation.  We are thinking of going out and contacting some of the less active young men and having them get involved in this.  I think that it will be a great opportunity for them and hopefully help them to gain a testimony of their own and start to become a little more active in church, which hopefully will help their families to become a little more active as well.  It might seem like a long shot, but anything is possible in the Lords work.  We also got one of our investigators to come to church yesterday and the LA family he lives with came as well, it was such a blessing to see!!!

   I got a text from the sisters that are serving in my old area and one of my investigators agreed to be baptized in the second weekend in April, I am just so excited for her! She is such an amazing person, i feel so blessed to still be able to see the blessings from my labors in my old area.  Now I just need to help "harvest" the work in this area that I am in now.  I know that it is going to take time and a lot of patience.

   We had a missionary fireside last night for the stake and that went pretty well, we had a decent turnout, like 70 people.  Pretty much the size of our ward, but I hope what we had to say really touched their hearts.  Each of us missionaries in the district bore our testimonies on a gospel principle, we sang the EFY Medly of "As sisters in Zion" and "We'll Bring The World His Truth".  We then had a recent convert come and speak about his conversion story.  It was so amazing.  He is from Sister Allen s old area and he talked about how he thought he was happy with his life, living the lifestyle that he was living.  How he got a divorce from his wife and she had the kids and he kept living the bachelor lifestyle and still felt like he was happy with his life.  One day he decided that he didn't like how things were going, he knelt down one night and prayed that Heavenly Father out of desperation and it was the first time since he was a child that he had prayed.  He asked that God would give him a sign that He exists and that He knew who he was and put him on the path he needed to be on.  He feel asleep and in the morning woke up and felt like nothing had happen and he just gave up hope on things.  Later that day he heard a knock on the door and he felt like he should go open it, but at the same time he didn't want to open it.  He fought with himself for a minute debating wither or not to open the door.  He finally decided to and there was two Mormon missionaries at the door and he knew that God had sent them to him and he listen to their message.  He said for the first time in a long time he felt a peace in his heart and started to feel a sense of happiness.  He continued to take the discussions, a miracle of it all was that his wife who lived across town was also taking the missionary discussions as well as their children.  He did not know that at the time, but they both accepted it and a long while later they ended up getting remarried and sealed in the temple.  His story was so amazing, but what he said at the end really touched my heart.  He said this message that we as members have to share is not ours to give, it is the Lord's.  He has blessed us with this knowledge and He has asked us to share it with everyone.  He used the analogy of giving some candy to one of his sons and asking him to share it to with his brothers and sisters.  He talked about how he would feel if he saw that his son was keeping that candy all to himself and wasn't sharing it.  Or if his son was deciding who would like the candy and who wouldn't.  We can not choose who and will not accept the message we have to share.  It isn't our message and gift to decide that,it is Christs.  He is the one that paid the price for us and He has given it to us freely to share with everyone.

   Overall things have been going really well, and I feel like I am constantly been busy! It is hard trying to keep up with everything when you are on the Lord's errand.  I am so grateful for all your love and support for allowing me to serve a mission.  There is no other place that I rather be! I love you all! Don't forget that what I really want for my Birthday is your testimonies either handwritten or typed.  I already got Ginnys, and I appreciated it, it really touched my heart and means a lot to me. I promise to have a longer email next week, i need to do better taking notes during the week of things that have happen. I love you all and pray that the Lord is contiually blessing your lives! Share your testimony with everyone around you, it is a gift that God has given you!


Sister Metcalf

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