Monday, December 22, 2014

Monday December 22, 2014

Glad Tidings of Great Joy!  He lives!

Wow! Where has this week gone?! Seriously I feel like this week has just flown by :( But it has been a week of miracles, it really has been a great week! So on Monday after all our preparation activities we didn't have dinner until 7 so we went out trying to contact some people. Literally everyone we were trying was not home, but looking back I knew that the Lord was slowing leading me to where we needed to be.  After trying another house, I remember that their neighbors were also last less active that I had tried before but was unsuccessful in the past. So we went to try them again and write away they opened the door and welcomed us right in.  It was one of those things where you are kind of just standing there dumb founded not quite sure if that had just happened.  So they are both less active, a complicated situation but they have four kids all under the age of 4.  They use to live in caldwell and would go once in a while with his family which is all active.  They use to meet with missionaries all the time. So they were super excited to see us.  It was funny because at first she had asked us who had sent us because earlier that day she was emailing one of her former missionaries that had been working with them and the missionary had asked her if they were going to church.  When they said no they missionary had responded about finding out who the missionaries were in the area, this family had just moved in about 5 months ago.  It is funny the way that the Lord works.  She was really excited to finally meet someone from the ward because she had been wanting to go but was afraid to because she didn't know anyone.  They were suppose to come yesterday to church but one of her sons had some breathing issues so they had to bring him into the hospital for a breathing treatment.  She was super bummed and said how Satan must know that they are wanting to come back so he is working hard on them.  She wants us to come back this week and is really determined to make it to church this next week.  It was such a tender mercy from the Lord and a good way to start off the transfer right, this was the first hour of our companionship.  Her kids are adorable, they are all under 8 and just remind me of all my neices and nephews.  Is is sad to say that I am already attached to this family and am really determined to help them to come back active.
     But this isn't it, let me tell you of an even bigger miracle from this week.  This week we had set goals as a companionship for this transfer, and one of the goals that I set is that I have always wanted to find, teach, and baptize a family on my mission.  I figured I shouldn't let that goal go just yet.  So during weekly planning on Thursday we got a call from another set of sisters who had a referral for us.  The bishop of their ward knew of a lady who was interested in the church, she had gone through a divorce a while back and is kind of in a sticky situation with her ex so she had to abruptly leave and move for safety purposes.  She happened to move into our area and is actually dating a less active memeber.  So later that day we went to go see her with the appointment that the previous sisters had set up for us.  She has three boys(16,14,11) and she told us how she is looking for something to straighten out their lives and to keep them on a good path.  She had gotten a Book of Mormon from the other sisters bishop and has already read up to Mosiah! She is just soaking it all in and is loving it, she already knows how to apply the scriptures to her life.  We shared with them the "He is the Gift" video and they soaked it right up! When we explained what our purpose is as missionaries they had eagerly excepted our invitation to take the lessons. She came to church yesterday which was just so great.  She could only stay for Sacrament meeting because she had already previously made an agreement to go to a family birthday party.  Her sons went to it, but she went late to in because she felt like church would be more important and it would be okay to show up late.  She had such a great experience and was even taking notes!  The sad thing is is that we found out talking to her after church that she has recently started a new job and she normally has to work on Sundays :( but she got lucky and got this Sunday off.  She said that she is trying to get Sundays off, but she thinks it might take a while.  We are going back tomorrow to teach them so we will have to see.
    This was such a testimony builder to me of how aware God is of our wants and our desires.  This was such a great tender mercy from the week! I have been on cloud 9 since Thursday, to be honest I can't really remember all that happened this week.  It is funny how just a few events of the week can turn your whole week around.  That can replace the negative with so much positiveness.  We have been working hard this week which has been a blessing to me because I was nervous that I would be home a lot this week with my companion.  But she has been doing really well, I hope and pray that she can stay this strong these next 5 weeks so I can continue to finish strong.
    I cannot tell you how much I love this area and the people here.  When I got transfered here, I kind of had closed off my heart.  Because I had grown so attached to Eagle and it was hard leaving after 2 transfers and I knew coming in I would only be here for 2.  To be honest I didn't want to try to allow more people into my heart when I knew I would be leaving so quick.  But they snuck up on me, they have caught me when I was off guard.  I have grown to love this area so much and in such a short period of time, I know feel so much tie to all 5 areas that I have served in.  Things are going so well! I am loving every minute of my mission!
     I am excited to be able to see you all on Christmas.  Last little note, yesterday we went to the institute choir concert and one of the songs they had a group of missionaries come up and say where they were from and to send Christmas wishes back home while someone was singing "I'll be home for Christmas". To be honest it made me tear up a little bit, a part of me wishes that I could see you all for Christmas, but overall I rather be out here in the field serving the Lord.
    I love you all so much and I hope you have a Merry Christmas.  My little spiritual message for you this week is this video to help you to remember what Christmas is all about Glad Tidings of Great Joy.
Sister Metcalf

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