Monday, January 6, 2014

January 6, 2014

I can not believe that it is already 2014! Okay so let me just tell you that this year in Boise Idaho for the first time ever that had a big potatoe drop in downtown! Yep you did not read that wrong, instead of a ball like in time square they did a big patatoe.  hahaha I would not expect anything less from the people in Boise Idaho.  Jensa and Elise did you watch it or go to it?  I plan on coming back to see this tradition continue.  Before I forget, in one of the wards I am serving in, there is one person in my ward who knows our cousin Kent.  He served in the same mission with him at the same time.  He trained Kent's trainer(so I guess Kent is his grandson in missionary terminology).  If any of you talk to him as him if he remembers a Jesse Claus.
  This week was a pretty good week and a lot of last minutes changes happening.  We were suppose to go on this big exchange on Wednesday, but one of my companions got sick.  So I ended up staying home with her and sending out my other companion got out with some other sisters.  It is funny how the Lord works, I never wanted to be like a mother to companions telling them what to do or when to get up and what not.  But here I was helping her out and cleaning up after her throw-up.  I rather not do that again until I have kids, I don't know how you did it with us mom.  Jensa, remember that one time that you were baby sitting the Virzi's and you took them out to eat and they just threw up all over the place, I can't even imagine.  Anyways I have decided that I rather work myself to the bone before I spend a full day at home.  It is funny when you are out knocking on doors and no one is answering or wants to listen and you are tired and just want to go home and nap.  Well being home all day with companion, I didn't nap, was so boring!  It was probably the longest days that has ever felt in my mission.  I did get a chance to watch the DVD that Jensa sent me.  I loved it so much and to see all of you! I am glad to see that the dance parties are still happening and that the kids are still bouncing off the walls!  Watching that video just made me smile.  Know that I love you all so much and am so proud of all of you!  Anyway I did lots of personal study and just wanted to go out so badly.  I never want to go through that again, knock on wood that I don't get sick or one of my companions.  So far I have been keeping pretty healthy and eating veggies at members houses of course.  I was feeling a little sick the other day, but I just kept pushing through and not thinking about it and just made sure that I got a good amount of sleep that night.  I am feeling better today.
   This week was pretty good for us with missionary work, each day I am looking for miracles each and everyday and as a mission have been doing thankful prayers every night which I feel like help me see the blessings each and everyday.  We taught Max, who is 9 the plan of salvation and it went really well, we still have him on date to be baptized for the 1st of February.  Working with the less actives have been good and we have been receiving more and more referrals each and everyday which has been nice.  In one of the wards I am working in the missionary has really picked up, we have a couple potential investigators that we hope to pick up these next few weeks.  One is a grandson of someone who wants to get baptized and the mom has finally agreed to allow him to.  We should start teaching him in the next week or two.  There is another family that I have been constantly trying to work on that a lot of members in the ward know but they have been to hesitant to talk to them or to push them too far.  We had dinner with one of the families this week that know them and I had a good talk with them.  They decided that they need to be bold with them and are going to invite the family over for FHE this next week or two and have us be there.  I feel like I am becoming more and more bolder these past few days which has been nice.
   Yesterday I went on an emergency exchange with one of the sisters that serves near me, she is currently serving with my companion from the MTC and it has been hard on her.  There were some issues yesterday so Sister Winder asked her who she wanted to be with for the day and she said me and just started crying cuz she know I would work hard and she feels pretty close to me that she could talk to me about everything that is going on.That really touched my heart, she is such an awesome missionary and I hope to serve with her one day. It was seriously so nice to serve with her, she has been out just one transfer longer than me.  I felt like we were able to just run with missionary work.  We found 4 new investigators in just one day!!! It was so crazy, we had such a good day and taught 6 lessons, which is totally rare.  As much as I love training it was nice to be able to serve with someone that is experience and who I could trust and rely on fully that knew what they were doing.  I know that if we were to serve together that we would just tear things up.
   It is crazy how much you learn and look at things differently on a mission.  There is constant struggles and I have been reflecting on that a lot this past week of the difficulties.  I know that this time in my life on my mission is a point where the Lord is trying to shape me to become not just a better missionary but a better me.  Some times are easier than others because I fully align my will with the Lords and allow him to make the changes in my life and then there are other times that are a little more difficult because I am resisting the changes that he wants me to make.  I learn more and more each day how to be less selfish.  This is the only time in my life where I can fully dedicate my life to the Lord and be the most selfless person.  There is a reason why I have each companion, there is something that is to be learned and they is something in my life that needs to be changed.  I have been trying to focus more and more on that when the difficult times come.  
  I feel indifferent right now with transfers coming up this next week.  Some times I am ready to leave the area and feel like there is nothing else for me to do and then there are other times where I don't want to give up all the hard work and I want to see the fruits of my labors.  I have decided that like with everything else on my mission I am leaving it up to the Lord to what is best for me.  I have really loved this scripture that I have come across in Genesis 19:17. "Look Not Behind" I think I might of talked a lot about this last week but I have really been trying to apply that more in more in my life.  We can't change the past or change the things that have happened to us.  We can allow them to shape us to make us better or we can allow it to tear us now and for us to just dwindle on these things.  This is one thing I love so much with the Gospel.  To our Savior, our pasts do not matter to him.  When we go through repentance He remembers them know more, we learn and grow from them.  The savior only cares about the person that we are going to become.  I am trying to apply this to my life right now, that the Savior does not care the missionary that I am, but He cares about the missionary that I will allow myself to become.  As long as I am giving it my all and showing him my willingness and obedience that is all that He cares about.  I read an article in the Ensign about President Joseph Fielding Smith.  It is funny how both mom and dad sent me that story about him not baptizing one person on his mission and just planted seeds.  I feel like that is the Lords way of telling me something.  
    Know that I love you all! Know that I am giving it my all and am never giving up! I am so appreciative each and everyday for the scarifies you all are making for me to be able to allow me to serve a mission.  I love reading your letters each week. I challenge all of you to say a gratitude prayer once a day.  It is amazing how much it changes your perspective on things and how much more appreciative you are of things as well.

Sister Metcalf

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