Tuesday, July 16, 2013

My first and last post

I have never really been into blogging, but my sister convinced me to get one just for when I am on my mission.  My older sister will bhe posting my e-mails and pictures up here weekly for anyone who is interested can keep up with what I am doing.  If you would like to receive my e-mails or for me to write you please write me or email me your info, my contact information is on the right hand side.

I can not believe that the day is already here, I enter into the MTC tomorrow!!! It is crazy how fast time has flown by.  Deciding to go on a mission was a tough and long decision for me and even after receiving my call I still had doubts and became super nervous.  But right now I am 100% positive that this is what I am suppose to be doing for the next 18 months of my life.  For those of you who do not know, I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, or also known as Mormons.  I have never been super open to others about my religion unless I was asked, so it was a surprise to some when I decided I was going to go.  This gospel has brought so much peace and joy to my life that I want to share it with others.

It is hard for me to sum up what my beliefs really are in just one quick blog post, if you are curious what I will be doing the next 18 months of my life go to this link http://mormon.org/values/missionary-work .  I would love to hear from each and everyone of you.  I will be e-mailing my family every week so I will check my e-mail then.  If there is time in my busy days I also will try to respond to those who e-mail me or write me.
My information is on the right had side and you can also go to www.dearelder.com as well.  These next 18 months are going to blow by quick, but I am ready! I love and will miss you all!

Sister Breanne Metcalf

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