"He is the Gift"
It is hard to try and summarize a week and half worth of stuff that has been going on here, but I will try to do my best. It might be a little scattered and their won't be any pictures this week because I forgot my SD card reader once again hahahah
Every week our ward mission leader feeds us, I seriously love that family. And a while back ago we made a challenge where they had to read and pray as a family every single day and Sister Broberg and I had to find a new investigator. If the other held up on their end of the bargain then the others had to eat a worm. Yep a worm! So we all ended up accomplishing our goals which was awesome. So last week on preparation day we bought some worms and we completed the challenge. Sister Broberg and I ended up going first. When it was the families turn only our ward mission leader and one of his sons did it. It seems pretty crazy, but it was great. We really got the family fired up and motivated to making it a habit. But I don't think I will ever do that again, once in a life time type of thing, i don't think my body was too happy with me afterwards hahaha
So last Wednesday I got to go to a baptism from my old area! I seriously have been so blessed by the Lord. Elizabeth Croft was supposed to be baptized in April when I was still in Boise South. Things came up with her husband (who is in prison) and it had to be pushed back but it finally happened. Before the baptism, I walked into the building and saw her standing by some missionaries outside of the Relief Society room. We both just started crying before we even started hugging each other. I really grew close to her. We had our weekly scheduled appointments but stopped by randomly through out the week. She always called us her angels because when we would show up unannounced, she usually had something happen that made her question or just ruined her day. Truly the best feeling is when you know you have answered somebody's prayers and we did for her a lot with out knowing. Love her and she is going to do amazing things! I don't know what it is but my last few baptisms of mine have been people that have been investigating for a while, so there always tend to be tons of missionaries there. Got to love it.
So last week was actually a really great week, I can't believe that it was Thanksgiving. That seems like forever ago! But pretty much the whole week was Thanksgiving because all the people that feed us before Thanksgiving were going out of town but the still wanted left over turkey( good for them not for us). And then even after Thanksgiving we got left overs with what ever they can think of with putting turkey in. Let's just say that by Sunday evening we were all turkey out and we were done with having feasts. Thanksgiving was great though, we got to see so many people and I even got to see a few people from my old area! It seriously was so great, it was such a great day and I feel like we didn't over eat...too much.
So last Wednesday I got to go to a baptism from my old area! I seriously have been so blessed by the Lord. Elizabeth Croft was supposed to be baptized in April when I was still in Boise South. Things came up with her husband (who is in prison) and it had to be pushed back but it finally happened. Before the baptism, I walked into the building and saw her standing by some missionaries outside of the Relief Society room. We both just started crying before we even started hugging each other. I really grew close to her. We had our weekly scheduled appointments but stopped by randomly through out the week. She always called us her angels because when we would show up unannounced, she usually had something happen that made her question or just ruined her day. Truly the best feeling is when you know you have answered somebody's prayers and we did for her a lot with out knowing. Love her and she is going to do amazing things! I don't know what it is but my last few baptisms of mine have been people that have been investigating for a while, so there always tend to be tons of missionaries there. Got to love it.
So last week was actually a really great week, I can't believe that it was Thanksgiving. That seems like forever ago! But pretty much the whole week was Thanksgiving because all the people that feed us before Thanksgiving were going out of town but the still wanted left over turkey( good for them not for us). And then even after Thanksgiving we got left overs with what ever they can think of with putting turkey in. Let's just say that by Sunday evening we were all turkey out and we were done with having feasts. Thanksgiving was great though, we got to see so many people and I even got to see a few people from my old area! It seriously was so great, it was such a great day and I feel like we didn't over eat...too much.
On Friday Sister Broberg and I thought it would be the perfect time to try and accomplish the Big Judd's challenge. It is a restaurant that actually a member from my old area owns, and they have an eating challenge that we both have been wanting to do since we came out. It consists of eating a 1 pound burger, a pound of fries and a 72 ounce drink in 30 minutes. We thought the day after thanksgiving would be perfect with our stomachs already being stretched out. We spent that morning preparing for it, we had district meeting so the whole morning we just kept drinking water, which resulted in us going to the bathroom a ton hahaha The people we live with took us because they wanted to try to see us do it(i am sure mom you got all the videos and pictures). We were so confident that we were going to be able to do it and everyone watched us that were in the restaurant. Sadly we were defeated, and it was on that day that I vowed to never do a food eating competition again, i guess I can cross that off my career list hahaha
Things with Sallie Fogg are going so well! Her health have finally been great and she is back to working again, but she has us come over on her day off to teach her. It has been so great working with her, we taught her the Plan of Salvation last week and then this week we focused a lot on prayer with her. The whole time that we have been teaching her she kind of has been responding like all religions are the same and they are all great, but this week she finally admitted that she believes that she is one true church(or one that contains the fullness of the gospel). So the lesson this week was perfect, we explained how for her to find out the truth she needs to pray. She agreed to pray about Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon. I think she is a little hesitant to receive her answer because if it is true she will have to talk to her husband, who is a less active member and still has some hard feelings towards the church. She is already in second Nephi which is amazing! We also got her to come out to a Relief Society activity this week! A lot of the women really reached out to her and so we are hoping that that she has made a few friends and knows so people in the ward she will feel more comfortable to come to church. I see the change happening in her and I hope to be able to help set a date for baptism before I leave.
So I am sure all of you are well aware of it and have heard of the big push that the church is doing this Christmas season. We actually had a special meeting on it last week and have been focusing on that a lot this past week. For those of you that haven't seen the video, it is amazing and you need to watch it! He Is the Gift This really helps us all to remember what the true meaning of Christmas is all about. So many people have been open to us talking about our Savior Jesus Christ, I guess this time of year has been really helping us with this. We have had quite of few people that have been really excited and willing to go to the live nativity that the church is putting on in my area. This is the perfect time of year to find those that are searching for something more.
As you go about your shopping this holiday season, don't forget the the reason for gift giving is to show our love. That same love that our Father in Heaven showed to us by giving us the first gift of Christmas. Christ was the first and greatest gift that we all could of received, it is only through Him that we are all able to be together with our families forever and be able to return back to our loving Heavenly Father.
Things are going so well out here, I am loving every minute of it! There is no other place that I would rather be this time of year then trying to show everyone the love that God has for them. I encourage all of you to share that video and while giving out cookies this year put one of those pass along cards you got in the Ensign(church magazine) or giving them a copy of "The Living Christ". Don't forget the true meaning of CHRISTmas and share that love with those around you!
Sister Metcalf
Sister Metcalf

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