The last week was a really good week for my companion and I lesson wise. We finally hit 20 lessons this week which is the standard of excellence(only 20% mission is suppose to hit that mark each week). This is the first time I have hit since all the changes and clarifications on the lessons. We were both super excited to have met that.
To be honest this week was a blur to me. We went on exchanges with some sisters this week which went pretty well, we also went to lunch with another set of sisters that we are over that were struggling. To be honest this is the one thing that I love about being over sisters, is that they feel like they can trust me and I am able to help them out or give them advice when they need it. As much as a strain it takes to go on exchanges I love being able to meet so many different sisters and learn things from them.
Things have been going really well with me becoming bold, we have done a little bit of tracking each day but not too much. I have gotten a lot better this week just opening my mouth and being bold with everyone even members and less actives. Its really been great, and its like how Nathan explained it to me, I feel totally different as a missionary. I was always nervous to not "upset" people but it hit me a few weeks ago that I am here to cry repentance and was reading in the Book of Mormon that the words that I am here to give are not suppose to be smooth, that it is going to upset some people but that is just the way it is. I really try this last night with the Wilson's. They are the family that we are working with where the wife is a member and he is not. My companion and I were just bold with him talking about the blessings that he could bring to the family. There has been a lot of concerns that they both have that we have been trying to over come. The wife made a comment that was so directed by the spirit that hit him. We had a good conversation about his desire and acting on that and we asked him if he sees himself getting baptized in the near future or down the road. He said near future so when we asked him when he said sometime in June, we told him to pick a day this week and really pray to know how we can help him to be ready and he said he would. So we are super excited about that.
Well I am out of time, I am so sorry, i would love to write a longer email but I am trying to be as obedient as I can so I am respecting my Mission Presidents wishes on our shorter emailing time. I love you all so much and I hope you have an amazing week. I know I will because I will be going back to my old area for a baptism. I will have to tell you about it next week! Keep being awesome.
Sister Metcalf
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