Tuesday, March 18, 2014

March 17, 2014

I feel like there is so much that goes on during the week, but when it comes to sitting down on Preparation day and typing it out, i never know what to say.  Last Pday we went to the old penitenary, it was pretty cool, but kind of a creepy place.  Not sure if I want to go back there again.  I feel like the weeks are just flying by, I am trying to grab a hold of time a dig my heels in to slow it down, but that doesn't seem to be working.  I feel like there is so much work I have left to do and I don't want to waste a minute of it, I also feel like one thing I will take away from my mission is being a missionary forever.  Being a better member missionary, it is funny the difference you see when you are on the other side of the work.  Before my mission I thought that I should just leave missionary work to the professionals, but I have seen that the work progress so much faster when the members are involved as well.

    This week we went on two exchanges with some of the sisters that we are over.  They went pretty well, one of the companionship that we are over are struggling in their area.  I went there and was confused because according to their area book they should have a ton of work to do with less actives as well as 20+ former or potential investigators.  I went an taught the junior companion how to work more effectively in their area, I hope that they will take what both my companion and I showed them and taught them.  We are planning on going on an excjange with them in a few weeks.  The other one went well, I ended up staying in our area which was good.  I have never been left in our area by myself so it forced me to have to better learn the area.  We had a really successful week even with the exchanges that we went on.  I got to contact some less actives that seem receptive, but you can never really know for sure.  That is the one hard thing is that people will set up appointments for us to come back, but then they will not be home.  Sometimes I rather that they just tell us they aren't interested, but I know we just need to soften their heart and make a connection with them in order for them to allow us to be able to work with.  Sister Allen and I are continually increasing our total of number of lessons each week which has been great.  We are still trying to find new people to teach, that is a struggle but we are continually working hard at talking to everyone we see.  The only true progressing investigator that we have is a lady that is an ex-communicated member who wants to come back, all she has left to do really is to meet with the stake president.  We have been trying to help our new investigator we found last week to progress,but he was out of town this whole last week.  We plan on talking about the Book of Mormon with him tonight.
     Yesterday at church I felt this strong feeling that this is where the Lord needs me to be.  The area is a tough area, apparently the toughest stake in the mission with missionary work, welfare, and activation.  It seems discouraging, but it has given me a drive to work harder because the Lord knows that I can handle building up another area that I will continue to work hard.  I feel like I would feel more successful in an area like this then going into an area where the missionaries have built up the work. Every Sunday we go to either PEC or Ward council.  Yesterday was PEC and i came to find out that their home teaching report is only at 6%!!! They have over 100 families in the ward so that means only about 6 families are being home taught.  I was so shocked.  Home teaching and visiting teaching are so important in Hastening the Work along.  I feel like the members don't quite understand that.  We can go and contact less actives all day long, but their is a difference when members are the ones also reaching out to their neighbors and friends.  The less actives see that they are wanted and needed by those around them, friendships are built.  It becomes easier for them to come back to church because they know at least a few people there that they can sit by.  The work moves so much more smoother when we work hand in hand with the members and they are doing their part.  The bishop told a story that really stood out to me and made me see things in a whole other way.When you read this story, I want you to think of it as if this was you,(i am summarizing the story my bishop told to us):
In the pre-existence and awaiting your call to come to earth, you were filled with anticipation and excitement. You had a dear friend that was your best friend that you felt a special closeness to him/her. You did everything together, you played and joked around, talking about all the things you wanted to do when you finally made it to earth. As you talked a messenger came and gave me a letter. It was your call to go to earth. In great excitement your friend and you opened the letter. You gave it to him/her and asked him/her to read it aloud. It said: "You've been called to earth in a special time and to a special land. You will be born to the true church and you will have the priesthood of God in your home. You will born into a land of plenty, in a land of freedom. You will go to earth in the United States of America."
Your friend and you rejoiced as you read your call, and while you were rejoicing the messenger returned. This time he had a letter for my friend. We knew it was his/her call to earth. Your friend gave you the letter to read aloud. His letter said: "You've been called to go to the earth in circumstances of poverty and strife. You will not be raised in the true church. Many hardships will attend your life."
You wept, your friend and you, as you read his call. And my friend looked at me with tears in his eyes, and said, "When we are down on earth, you in your family and me in mine, my friend, please come and find me."
I want you all to think of this in two different ways.  I know this is not doctrine, but I like to think that there were people in the Pre-earth life that I knew that were foretold what their life was going to be like and I promised them that I would find them.  That is what I am trying to do, find my brothers and sisters that I promised that I would find and help them come to the knowledge of the gospel.  I also look at it as that there were people up there that I knew that would join the gospel, but would face hard time and difficulties and would fall away from the church.  I promised them that I would find them as well and help them to regain their testimonies so that their lives could be more fuller and happier.  I truly believe that members are called to certain people to visit teach and home teach for a reason.  Maybe they were someone that you knew before, maybe you will be the reason why they choose to come back to church.  It might not be in the near future, it could be years down the road or it might not even be until the next life, but we are placed in peoples lives for a reason.  I don't want to make it to the next life to find out that I had failed one of my friends, that I wasn't able to find them or I wasn't able to help them because I didn't do my small part.  I encourage all of you to talk to those that are around you! Do your visiting and home teaching! They may not let you in, but at least reach a hand out to them and be their friend.  That is a great work for all of us to do.  Sorry to get on my little soap box, but I just felt like I looked at things a whole different way after I heard this story.
 How great is it to be out here serving the Lord and serving my fellow brothers and sisters.  I love you all!!! Hope all is well on your end, I pray for each and everyone of you everynight!!!!
Your Missionary in the great land of Boise
Sister Metcalf
P.S. as for birthday gifts, I seriously have no clue. Sorry guys, whatever you will think of will be great!!!! I love you and miss you all!!!

Went to the Old Penitentiary last Pday, a place I never want to go to again!

 A cool spot we found where you can see all of down-town Boise
By the Old train depot

 My 3 legged dog friend, this is the 3rd one that i have seen in my area

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