Christmas eve and Christmas was a really great day to see members and those that we are working with. We had tons of fun and were filled with food to the brink. I even got the chance to have some family traditions still, the people I live with acutally have pizza for their Christmas eve dinner as well so I got to have some when I went home. I also got to participate in a gingerbread house competition. Christmas time is such a unique time as a missionary, but I just love the spirit that is in the air. I plan on still using the "He is the Gift" as much as I can until I go home to keep the "Spirit of Christ" going here in the Boise area.
Monday, December 29, 2014
Monday December 29, 2014
Christmas eve and Christmas was a really great day to see members and those that we are working with. We had tons of fun and were filled with food to the brink. I even got the chance to have some family traditions still, the people I live with acutally have pizza for their Christmas eve dinner as well so I got to have some when I went home. I also got to participate in a gingerbread house competition. Christmas time is such a unique time as a missionary, but I just love the spirit that is in the air. I plan on still using the "He is the Gift" as much as I can until I go home to keep the "Spirit of Christ" going here in the Boise area.
Monday, December 22, 2014
Monday December 22, 2014
I am excited to be able to see you all on Christmas. Last little note, yesterday we went to the institute choir concert and one of the songs they had a group of missionaries come up and say where they were from and to send Christmas wishes back home while someone was singing "I'll be home for Christmas". To be honest it made me tear up a little bit, a part of me wishes that I could see you all for Christmas, but overall I rather be out here in the field serving the Lord.
Sister Metcalf
Monday, December 15, 2014
Monday December 15, 2014
We got a few lessons squeezed in this week but not that many with all the things going on and with sister Broberg starting to pack and going home. Plus for the last few days of the week I was with another sister in her area whose companion also finished her mission. Someone who I have really come to love in our ward is Sister Dilworth, she is so great. She is a less active member we have just started to work with who actually has a son out on the mission. I think that I have talked about her before, but she said how she wants to start coming out to church! I was so excited to hear that, its tender mercies like that that the Lord sends you that make your day.
Sister Metcalf
Monday, December 8, 2014
Monday December 8, 2014
"It depends on the hands"
I can't believe that it is already Preparation day again! This letter might be a little shorter since I just wrote you a few days ago. So last Thursday the people we lived with took us out to dinner. Brother Olsen left for China on Friday so this would be his last time seeing sister Broberg before she left. They took us out to a restaurant named Fork, it was super good. I love this family, they are so awesome and they really do take good care of us.
On Friday we had zone meeting, the zone leaders asked me to do the following up training on finding vs. referrals trap. It is the same thing that I did in District Meeting. I think that is the one thing I miss the most of being a Sister Training Leader(except for going on exchanges of course), is training. I love telling people the things that I have learned. I love helping increase their knowledge as well as help motivate them to be better missionaries and to work. It is so true what they say, I learn so much more than they probably do when I study for and give a training. We tried to contact some people but were on successful, we ended up stopping by an older couple in the ward to provide service. We helped them put up their Christmas decorations, they were so grateful for that. Last year they didn't have the energy to do it and they weren't sure if it was gonna happen this year! I seriously love seeing the joy and happiness on peoples faces when doing things for them.
A tender mercy from Friday happened around8:30, it is always at the end of the night. We had gotten out of visiting a part member family, which that within itself was a miracle as well. We had been trying to contact them forever. He opened the door and let us right in. He went on a mission and is less active and his now second wife is not a member. They have a son that is actually serving a mission right now. So we are gonna try to start working with them. Walking out Sister Broberg and I realized that their son has probably been praying for them while he has been out on his mission and we could be an answer to that prayer. Anyways so after that tender mercy it was about 8:30 and we seriously had no idea where to go. We tried a few people but nothing was working out, I said a prayer to know who the Lord needed us to go see a Rebecca popped into my mind. She is someone that we tracted into on Sunday and was interested in the live nativity. So we decided to go back and to give her a flyer. As soon as she opened the door she invited us in. Last time we only visited with her for a few minutes on her doorstep. She was so happy to see us, we only had a few minutes so we invited her to the nativity and she told us that she wanted to bring her non-member family with her. It was awesome!!! She even gave us some muffins before we left and asked us to come back. It is just like Megan has said before, it is always the last house!
Saturday was a pretty busy day for us as well! We helped make fruit baskets the ward gives out to those they try to keep in contact with in the ward that are less active or might be struggling. We then help set up the lights for the live Nativity that the youth put on which is this week! Afterward we helped a less active move out. That was pretty hard, I seriously loved working with her. She so wants to be active, but her husband is not wanting to at the moment. They are expecting a kid so I hope that that softens his heart. We were trying to get her to come to church and go to the temple with us. I pray that the missionaries and members in that ward will swoop them up. They are so ready to come back, or at least she is. All she needs is some friendship!
So later Saturday night I got to go back to my old are of Boise South again! I got to go see Charlie Wilson baptize and confirm his daughter! It was such a cool thing to experience, to see someone you have helped come into the gospel baptize someone else. He has totally change, you can see it in him. He did such a good job and you could tell how happy he was that he got to baptize his own daughter and not another relative. I got to talk to Bishop Bates a little before and he updated me on everything. He told me how he sees Charlie being in a bishopric in about 5 years. That is just so amazing to me to see how much the gospel can bless someones life.
So I just want to end with the concept that I had heard the other week that really had a big impact on me... I call it
"It depends on the hands"
A Basketball in my hands is worth about $20.99, a basketball in the hands of Lebron James is worth 19 million per year. It depends on whose hands its in.
A tennis racket in my hands is worth about $17.99.,a tennis racket in the hands of Serena Williams is worth about 20 million per year. It depends on whose hands its in.
A baseball in my hands is worth about $3.00, a base baseball in the hands of Derek Jeter is worth about 35 million per year. It depends on whose hands its in.
Two fish and 5 loaves of bread in my hands would make a few fish sandwiches. Two fish and 5 loaves of bread in the Saviors hands will feed 5000 people until they are full, and still leave 12 baskets left over. It depends on whose hands they are in.
Some nails in my hands are worth about 5 cents. Some nails in the Saviors hands will provide Eternal Salvation for each person who has ever lived on this Earth, and all of Heavenly Fathers' children.
It depends on whose hands they're in. When we put our lives in the hands of the Savior we can achieve infinitely more than we ever could on our won. It depends on whose Handsthey're in.
I love you all so much! I am so grateful to have you all in my life! I hope you all know how important you are all to me, but more importantly I hope you know how important each and everyone of you are to our Father in Heaven and to our brother Jesus Christ. They each love you immensely and I challenge you all this time of year to discover and embrace that love that they have with you and then share. Discover the Gift of our Saviors birth. Embrace that Gift. Share it. Keep being amazing, look for opportunities to reach out to those around you and share that love that you and God has for them. Find the good and the positive each day, look for those tender mercies from the Lord.
Sister Metcalf
Thursday, December 4, 2014
Thursday December 4th, 2014
So last Wednesday I got to go to a baptism from my old area! I seriously have been so blessed by the Lord. Elizabeth Croft was supposed to be baptized in April when I was still in Boise South. Things came up with her husband (who is in prison) and it had to be pushed back but it finally happened. Before the baptism, I walked into the building and saw her standing by some missionaries outside of the Relief Society room. We both just started crying before we even started hugging each other. I really grew close to her. We had our weekly scheduled appointments but stopped by randomly through out the week. She always called us her angels because when we would show up unannounced, she usually had something happen that made her question or just ruined her day. Truly the best feeling is when you know you have answered somebody's prayers and we did for her a lot with out knowing. Love her and she is going to do amazing things! I don't know what it is but my last few baptisms of mine have been people that have been investigating for a while, so there always tend to be tons of missionaries there. Got to love it.
So last week was actually a really great week, I can't believe that it was Thanksgiving. That seems like forever ago! But pretty much the whole week was Thanksgiving because all the people that feed us before Thanksgiving were going out of town but the still wanted left over turkey( good for them not for us). And then even after Thanksgiving we got left overs with what ever they can think of with putting turkey in. Let's just say that by Sunday evening we were all turkey out and we were done with having feasts. Thanksgiving was great though, we got to see so many people and I even got to see a few people from my old area! It seriously was so great, it was such a great day and I feel like we didn't over eat...too much.
Sister Metcalf

Monday, November 24, 2014
Monday November 24, 2014
Anyways so I went to the baptism and it was so good!!! As soon as I arrived it was packed with members from the ward and missionaries. I went right up to Juanita and her two kids getting baptized and just hugged them. Juanita and I hugged for such a long time and just cried to each other. I told her how proud I was of her and the example that she has been to her family and how strong that she was. She told me that she has never been this happy before in her life and she told me that there was no way that she would be able to go through her Baptism without me there. She is seriously an amazing woman, some day I will tell you all about it. It was such a neat experience to see her get baptized. When the Bishop was welcoming her into the ward he did something that he had never done before. He had every that was serving a mission and had ever served a mission stand up, then he had those that were not currently serving to sit down, and then he had all the other missionaries that had not served in the Summerset ward sit down as well. As I stood there with a handful of other missionaries Bishop Root talked about how valiant we were and how grateful he was to work with us. It was there that I started to cry! It hit me as I look at Bishop Root and at the Cuiellars and at all the other members in that room how much I missed them all. That area and ward had such a huge impact on my life, I could never forget them. I had an ache in my heart thinking of all the great memories there and it killed me to know I will never serve them as a missionary again. But I am grateful for the opportunity that I got to go to that baptism and feel the spirit there so strong and to see all the ward members and to hear the impact that I had on their lives. I promised them that when I get home that one day I will just show up in the church meeting. That is a promise that I am going to keep! That is one thing that I am grateful for that I got the opportunity to serve in a place so close where I could come back to visit those that I have served.
So things are going well with Sally Fogg in our area, we got to see her this week a couple of times because she is off work, but she goes back this week :( She has already read most of 1 Nephi! You can really see the spirit working on her. Last night we went with her and her less active husband to Hymns of Thanksgiving. It is a community event that was actually started by a member in the church where the sing hymns of thanks. It was really great to be able to bring them there. Sally always jokes about us that one day we will "tie her down to the floor" to convert because that is what she thought missionaries do before she met with us. But what she doesn't realize that it is her that is really "tying herself down to being converted". It has been great to really see the change in her these past few weeks.
So I had this realization today as I was having personal study of why as missionaries we don't live in the world and the reason for the rules that we have. They are all there to help us build our testimony. This is the time in our life's where I have solely focused on spiritually things. I have been able to figure things out and question things while focusing on getting those answers by using spiritual resources(i.e. the scriptures and prayer) and not having the influence of the world. There has been no other point in my life where things have been so clear to me and I know exactly what I know to be true with out a shadow of a doubt. I realized how important it is for me to write down my testimony that I have right now because when I go back home that influence of the world will try to start to put its input into my testimony. I see those that I am working with how the word has shaken their testimonies, it made me realize that if for whatever reason I start to question what I know to be true that it will be because of what the world is trying to make me think. That I can look back at this point in my life and realize where I should when I was not apart of the world. That is something that really burned deep inside me today and I just had this overall reassurance of how important my testimony is not only to me but to those around me. I realize how special and precious it is as well and that I need to continue to nourish it when I get home. I challenge all of you that may be struggling or questioning things about what you believe to "take the world out of the equation". Study it out in the scriptures and talk it over with your Father in Heaven.
Monday, November 17, 2014
Monday November 17, 2014
Walking in a Winter Wonderland
This week has been another slow one for us up here in Meridian. We walked most of the week to help keep us busy trying to talk to people on the street. It ended up snowing Wednesday night up here and no joke probably snowed for almost 48 hours straight. It was so nuts! We really didn't have much planned for Friday so we headed so we spent a good part of the day shoveling peoples driveways. Man I have never been so sore in my life. We defiantly slept well that night. A lot of people looked at us like we were crazy offering to shovel to shovel their walks for free. Monday, November 10, 2014
Monday November 10, 2014
Faith has a short shelf life
Sister Metcalf
Monday, November 3, 2014
Monday November 3,2014
"Dropping the little kids off at the pool"
This week was such a great week of tender mercies I feel like from the Lord. The beginning of the week started out a little slow, but I feel like it ended with a bang for sure! On Thursday I was leaving the house with a feeling that it was going to be a great day, have you ever had those feelings before? I seriously love them on the mission. So last week we had received a media referral for a girl who had referred herself. She said that she had taken the discussions before and wanted to refresh her memory. Well we tried all last week to contact her but was having no success. Finally as a last resort we texted her on Tuesday. On Wednesday we had gotten a text back from her about her losing her phone but had set up a time to see her the next day. We met her at the church with our R.S.P. and taught her the Restoration. She is so amazing and so elect. She was just soaking up everything and asking about church on Sunday. The sad thing is is that we will have to pass her off to YSA because she is 19 :( After that experience I was super jealous of Megan. I would love to serve in the YSA ward, I agree with Megan that there is just something different about teaching those that are the same age as you. Yow can just relate to them and be so much more bolder with them. We are meeting up with the YSA Elders this week to pass her off to them. The lesson went super well and she excepted a soft baptismal invite! Meaning when she comes to know these things are true she will follow the example of her Savior Jesus Christ and be baptized by someone holding the proper priesthood authority of God! Sometimes I think I get too attached to people, she is seriously so great!!!
To top off that amazing day, as we pulled in to our house, Sister Clegg was going back reading through all the texts that the mission office had sent because they had kind of sent a lot that day. As she was reading text one of them was to tell me how the Cuillers for Boise West were getting baptized!!! I had found that family a year ago!!! That just blew my mind, I was so stoked to hear that. I was overwhelmed with love and tender mercies from the Lord that day. That sometimes when the going gets tough you keep going and pushing through and the Lord will bless you. Sometimes you don't see it right away, sometimes I won't see them at all in the mission, but I felt blessed that the Lord had allowed me to be even more blessed! It was a testimony builder to me that sometimes others take longer than others, but we just have to be patient and trust in the Lord's timing!
We had zone conference this week with Elder Godoy, and it was just amazing, he is seriously such a funny guy. Such a great spiritual experience, I wish I could write about everything that I learned and came away from it, but I don't have enough time :( He focused a lot on Chapter 6 of Preach my Gospel which was Christlike attributes. So he focused a lot on us becoming the person our Father in Heaven needs us to be! He was really inspiring. I also had to give my trunk-a-mony or my last testimony in Zone Conference, it was so surreal to me. I started to cry a little bit, it was a little rough. It kind of hit how quickly this is all coming to an end but I quickly reminded myself as well that I still have so much more time left to see miracles and so much more that the Lord needs me to do.
So last tender mercy of the week, so as I was packing up this morning which was hard for me to do, not gonna lie. We got a text from Alexandria(the new investigator) just talking about how much she just loved church. She also said she had been praying a lot about what we had taught her and she said she wants to get baptized! My heart was filled with so much joy! I felt so blessed to of been able to see this last tender mercy from the Lord before I left. We told her how excited we were for her, I told her I would make it back for her baptism!
Sister Metcalf
Meridian, Idaho
Slot Cars
Sister Haas and I where I probably lost my camera
Pre-Trunk Papers