Monday, March 10, 2014

March 10, 2014

So just for clarification from last weeks subject line, I haven't really been having any trials.  Things have been good here, usually I write my letters and then think of a subject ether something to do with my letter or sometimes quotes heard from this week.  So just again to clarify, things are going good here hahaha  Well nothing too excited really happened this week.  A lot of ups and a lot of downs.  Usually Saturday and Sunday is when we do our best and see the most people, but that wasn't the case this week.  It was so weird, every single one of our appointments cancelled this weekend and everyone we tried to see didn't want anything to do with us or claimed that it wasn't them.  On a few of them I know for a fact that those people live there.  I don't know why people just don't tell us they are not interested instead of claiming that they aren't who they are.  We did find a couple of less actives that really seem responsive to allowing us to continually stop by and to visit/work with them.  We also went on exchanges with some of the sisters that we are over , which went really well.
   This week we had a Mission Leadership Council, my first one since becoming an STL.  It was such a great meeting and really inspiring.  We have set a goal to find 425 new investigators for the month of March.  It seems crazy when back in December we set a goal to find 500, but we are now seeing the fruits of that Labor.  We want to continually get the missionaries excited for finding new investigators, we also set a goal to try to get a baptism for every ward in the mission by the end of June.  That is about 133 baptisms by June 30th.  We are calling it our June Harvest.  We talked a lot about faith taking a role in this, we have to trust in the Lord.  I truly believe that the field is white already to harvest here in Boise, Idaho.  Our mission president told us how years ago the church sent out a random survey in the United States asking who would join The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, the response was 3%.  Now that may seem like not a lot, but he put it into retrospect for us, that there are 400,000 people in the Treasure Valley and so that means there are 12,000 that would be willing to join.  Numbers set aside, I truly believe that the Lord has prepared those and that their are people out there searching for the truth, but they no not where to find it.  This week we actually found a new investigator.  His name is Caleb and he lives with a less active family that we have been working with.  It was kind of unexpected, we stopped by the families house and when we walked in the mom was telling us how the friend that is living with them said he wanted to learn more about the church.  We just jumped right into teaching him the first lesson and it went really well.  It was also a testimony builder to me of how the Lord's hand is in the details of the work.  A few days earlier we had role played lesson one for one of our investigators, but he ended up canceling on us.  That day we had something totally different for the family, but as you have read was quickly changed.  But we were prepared and ready, although we had to rely a lot on the spirit to direct how the lesson should go to fit his needs.  It was such a neat experience.
      Things have been going pretty good in my new ward, this week was a little slower with us with lessons. Not many people wanted to meet with us or they cancelled appointments, but we didn't let that discourage us. We focused on the positives like finding a new investigator this week and Sister Allen and I are excited to continually find those that are being prepared. Yesterday Sacrament meeting went really well, we got a couple of less actives to come out as well as a part member family. We saw a lot of joy and success this week even though our numbers don't show. We are trying to contact all the less actives that haven't been contacted in this ward as well as trying to help our investigators to progress. Things are going well between Sister Allen and I, we get a long great and are really enjoying the time we have together. The transfer has been just flying by for the both of us! We recieved a referral from our mission President who ran into a less active lady this week who wants her baby to be baptized who lives in our area. No luck yet, but we have been praying to the Lord to find her and we have the faith that we will this week.  
     Saturday I got to go back to my old area for one of my investigators baptism.  It was for Max Wilson, one of the over aged youth I was teaching.  I was so excited to see him, and he was so excited to be baptized.  This little boy is so awesome and is just always positive and enthusiastic.  I truly believe that the Lord knows what he is doing and that everything is on His timing and not ours. I still pray for the other three youth that are still waiting for their parents to allow them to be baptized and the sisters that are working with them. I have faith that it will happen, but on the Lord's time frame. I also got to see my last companion who is still in the area and hear how the other investigators I was working with were doing.  One of them was at the baptism yesterday and I got to talk with her, she said how she wants to be baptized in a few weeks.  I am so excited for her, and hopefully some of the others should have a baptismal date soon. The Lord has truly blessed me to allow to serve in an area close to my old area so I am still able to see the fruits of my labors. I am truly grateful to be serving in this mission, but most importantly to be serving my Savior and Father in Heaven!
   Nothing really excited to tell this week, but things are going well.  There is no other place I rather be than to be out here serving my mission.  Got a text yesterday from the missionaries serving in Jensa's ward saying how you bore your testimony and I guess we sound a lot alike.  Both those elders in your ward have either been my district leader or zone leader, they are great missionaries.  Anyway the point of that is that I am so proud of you Jensa, I encourage all of you to contiually share your testimonies with those around you, it will not only touch their hearts,but strengthen yours as well.
"Please, first doubt your doubts before you doubt your faith. We must never allow doubt to hold us prisoner and keep us from the divine love, peace, and gifts that come through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ." -
Love you all and miss you! Hope all is well on your end, I pray for each and everyone of you every night.

Sister Metcalf

Max's Baptism

 My companion and I

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